Huggies Boards for Advertising Exercise

One of my assignments for my storyboarding class was to pick a piece of paper from a hat and make an advertisement with the product written on the paper. I was hoping for something like Poland Spring water or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s; I got Huggies diapers.

It was really hard to come up with ideas that would be good enough for a Huggies commercial. I researched some of their previous commercials and different kinds of diapers they sell. One of my ideas was to have a whole family wear Huggies and describe their quality while sitting on the couch watching a movie marathon. Scrapped that one. Nothing I tried really worked until I found their most recent diapers, the Special Delivery diapers.

I’ve seen some of their commercials with this product and decided to follow in a similar path. Each of those advertisements were in grayscale, only the product in color. They also focused on the importance of love and family. The story I went with was a mother who didn’t realize she ran out of diapers halfway through changing her baby, when the doorbell rings. Thankfully it is her mother, who is holding a box of Special Delivery Diapers because she knows how great of a product they are.

This exercise taught me a lot about advertising boards. My style for storyboards is different than the style I had to do for this sequence. The hardest part when finishing up the boards was the grayscale colors. After finishing the exercise, I understand more about contrast in a composition. I made a mistake of choosing shades similar to each other which makes some parts hard to read. Thanks to this exercise I am more aware of contract in my boards.

Overall, this has been a fun challenge. I stepped out of my comfort zone and learned a lot about advertising boards.