Lost at Costco
This story is a work in progress.
This one time my family went to Costco when I was a kid, I mistook a stranger for my dad. They both had the same hair, were of similar heights (and to a kid tall is tall), and the exact same shirt even cuffed the same way. I was looking at the camera display and saw this man looking like my dad walking away from me. Thinking it was my dad I grabbed onto one of his arms, hugged it and started talking to him in Ukrainian. The stranger was so confused he just stood there and when I saw his face, I just stood there too. My mind was blank. His wife came up to the cart and when she asked who I was I apologized and ran off. I found my parents not too long after and then stayed in the book section until we had to go home. Sorry, stranger who looked like my dad!
Rough Boards: